Archive for lilliana-marsh
166 results.
on December 10, 2018
Chapter: Fear and Loathing, Spring 1912
Characters: Lilliana Marsh, Winston Coward
Location: Orne Library
Just Add Money
on November 26, 2018
Chapter: Fear and Loathing, Spring 1912
Characters: Lilliana Marsh, Winston Coward
Location: Orne Library
One day I’m going to look back on this chapter and wonder “when did I ever write that?” Because I keep trying to write it one way and it keeps coming out another way. Fortunately, the other way is better[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I am unfamiliar with this alien concept of, how do you say, “ah pru vahl?” Of course I joke. My parents may not understand what I’m doing with this comic strip, but they never fail to tell me how proud[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…