A Mesmerizing Thought
on October 7, 2019
Chapter: Spring 1912, The Impertinence of Being Ernest
Location: Miskatonic Campus
Who doesn’t wish that’s what Mental Institution really meant?
Who doesn’t wish that’s what Mental Institution really meant?
I mean, he kinda has a point. You’d be around lots of people who study the mind.
As long as you’re committed, it’s pretty easy to learn!
Now that he has his Doctorate from Arkham Sanitarium, why does he need to stay at Miskatonic as a sophomore; he should join the faculty!
Despite their liberal policies, I don’t think Arkham U. recognizes Geometric Escapology as a legitimate field of study.
Well, you don’t call it that. Maybe Applied Mathematics? The Effects of Geometric Entanglement on Geomantic Coordinates?
The Journal of Applied Mathematics might have an issue with it’s referees going insane reading his research paper.
Knowing some mathematicians, they’ll just dismiss those people as “weak-minded”, and “not up for the rigors of TRUE mathematical study”.